Kontak Kami
phone 08123177625 Kukuh Lukiyanto
phone  081910513772
Stefanus Budy W
phone  081230888879
Mochammad Farid Afandi

If you are an author and interested in publishing your book in the Indonesia (with a INA. ISBN) both in the traditional paper and electronic version, please contact the APMAI Book editorial team via Email, Our guaranteed a short publishing cycle will impress your book writing experience.

The selection is mainly based on the originality of writing, significance of the topic and the quality of manuscripts.

Prospective author shall provide the editorial team with

  • The scope of the book and the significance of the topic;
  • The original full manuscript of the book with a table of content;
  • The targeted audiences;
  • A short introduce of the book;
  • Curriculum vitae of the author;
  • If your manuscript is based on a dissertation, please discuss how the material and research has been developed, reframed, or otherwise revised.
  • If your manuscript is an edited collection, please include information about each of the contributors and note if any of the chapters are previously published.