Kontak Kami
phone 08123177625 Kukuh Lukiyanto
phone  081910513772
Stefanus Budy W
phone  081230888879
Mochammad Farid Afandi


  1. You can prepare your writing follow the following template:
    • The procedure for publication can be downloaded here
    • Apmai journal templates can be downloaded here
  2. Submit your article in accordance with the desired journal with a statement that the original article that you send. You are not allowed to post the same article in another journal at the same time.
  3. You’ll get a notification from the editor via email.
  4. Review related comments and the results will be returned. The author may receive a note:
    • Without changes. Articles ready to be published, and no changes are necessary.
    • Accepted with minor changes. Articles need to be slightly modified in accordance with the instructions editor.
    • Accepted by many changes. Articles need to be major changes in accordance with the instructions of the editor.
    • Rejected. Articles deemed defective or no freshness.
  5. Submit your articles end before the deadline specified in the letter of acceptance
  6. Online publications / printing will be done in accordance with the time of the publication of journals that have been defined. The CD version is also provided in accordance with demand